
Our goal is to delight and please our customers. Thus, all activities and programs we undertake result in innovative projects and in the enhancement of productivity and quality.

We have come up with below points from the perspective of problem-solving, but we use them every day to make our customers happy.


The idea behind respect is that you treat others the way you would like to be treated. If you had a problem, you wouldn’t want to be dismissed or ignored, would you? Of course not. The same goes for the person who has come to you with an issue to resolve. Regardless of their attitude, good customer service skills dictate that you be respectful at all times. Here are some simple ways that you can show respect:

  • Use their name
  • Don’t interrupt
  • Look at them while they’re speaking
  • Wait until they’re finished before offering a response.


Its our responsibility to be concerned about the well-being of the customer regardless of the problem she is having. Concern for the customer goes back to being concerned for the reputation and success of the business itself. If an employee isn’t concerned with the success of the business, he’s not going to be concerned about the happiness of the customer.


When a customer has a problem, he wants to be given the attention necessary to get the situation resolved. That means more than just taking the time to fix whatever is wrong. Attentiveness means making eye contact, listening to what the customer has to say, following the conversation, and responding appropriately. It does not mean, looking elsewhere, focusing on something else, and only hearing part of what the customer said. When you focus on the customer—when you’re attentive—you’ll often see a simple way that you can resolve the issue for the best.


Solving some customer complaints may involve more than just giving away a freebies. Sometimes, the process of resolution involves numerous steps. That’s when efficiency becomes an important customer service skill. Don’t neglect the problem. Instead, stick with it and work for a solution as quickly as possible with as few steps as necessary. A quick resolution to a problem, even if it involves multiple steps, can make a customer feel valued and reinforces his perception of your business.

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